
Integrating BabyBuddy with Home Assistant

Integrating BabyBuddy with Home Assistant
Using Home Assistant to automate some lights and a robovac is great, but using it to improve that obscure process you’re always doing is where it really shines. For me, that was baby tracking with BabyBuddy. Here’s how I did it.
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My Dotfiles

My Dotfiles
Embarassingly, until about a year ago I had never heard of dotfiles. Since then, I’ve built out my own dotfiles system. Here’s what I did.
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I turned my gaming rig into a hackerspace server… and gaming rig

I turned my gaming rig into a hackerspace server... and gaming rig
Since I started daily driving a laptop, my gaming rig has sat idle most of the time. That changes today.
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Fixing the display arrangement problem on the Macbook Pro

The year is 2022, and the Macbook can’t remember the arrangement of multiple displays of same model. After wasting entire minutes manually putting them back, I spent days building a cumbersome automation to do it for me. Here’s how I did it.
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Managing Python and keeping pip clean

My Python and pip dependency management used to be pretty sloppy. When I got a new Macbook last year, it was an opportunity to start clean and stay organized. Here’s how I did it.
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